This database contains match results and calculated points of AFC Club Competition since 2011. See the Wikipedia page for more information on how to calculate the points for AFC Club Competitions Ranking.

The first part of this database contains the results valid since 2019: matches in qualifying stage are counted and added to country’s points. The ranking is consisted of 100% club points.

MatchesCountry PointsCountry RankingUsed for
allocating slots in
2019201920192021, 2022

The second part of this database contains the results from 2017 to 2018. Matches in qualifying stage are counted and added to country’s points. The ranking is consisted of 90% club points and 10% FIFA points.

MatchesCountry PointsCountry RankingUsed for
allocating slots in
2017201720172019, 2020

The last part of this database contains the results from 2014 to 2016. Matches in qualifying stage are not counted and country ranking is solely based on number of points divided by number of participating teams. The ranking is consisted of 70% club points and 30% FIFA points.

MatchesCountry PointsCountry RankingUsed for
allocating slots in
2016201620162017, 2018
2014201420142015, 2016